for the Martinsburg Community Library INTERNET POLICY AS OF 7/14/15
for the Martinsburg Community Library 1. The Internet is provided as a free service to Martinsburg Community Library Patrons. In fairness to all of our patrons we have set limits on the length of time an individual may use the Internet. The library will allow you ONE HOUR PER DAY. If there is no one waiting for the computer, the librarian will allow you to stay on the computer for another hour. 2. Preference will be given to Patrons who pre-schedule blocks of time over walk-ins. 3. Our intention in providing Internet access to our patrons is to make the Internet available for INFORMATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL purposes. Games may be played as long as you do not go over your allotted time or there are patrons waiting for computers for informational and educational purposes. 4. Library staff will be available to answer questions and assist with logging on to the Internet. Please keep in mind that we will also need to assist other patrons as well, and cannot spend large amounts of time guiding you through the Internet. We are not available to train users daily. Periodically, computer instruction classes are held for this purpose. 5. Minors must be protected from harmful matter. The Internet is a vast, worldwide network with very few restrictions or limitations. The Library is required by the Children’s Internet Protection (CIPA) to provide Content Filtering on all public access computers. Web Content Filters are not 100 % accurate and may allow access to inappropriate sites. The Martinsburg Community Library cannot be responsible for offensive materials that may appear on the Internet. As an Internet user you and you alone are responsible for the information you choose to view. Keep in mind that it is a felony offense in the state of Pennsylvania “To display or cause to display any explicit sexual material…on any…viewing screen in such manner that the display is visible…in any establishment where minors, as part of the general public, may be exposed to view all of any part of such materials.” (Penna. Crimes Code – Sect. 5903.) Therefore, viewing of such material in the public library will not be permitted. Violation of this provision may result in the immediate termination of your Internet privileges. 6. The following ethical standards must be adhered to: -No copyrighted material may be copied -Users must not do anything that will impede the use of the Internet by others or cause damage to library equipment and/or software. Users will be liable for repair or replacement costs -Computers may not be used for illegal activities including, but not limited to hacking, harassment, sale or use of prohibited substances. -Not disclosing personal information about another person without that person’s permission. Minors must be careful not to disclose any personal information (address, phone number etc.) without their parent’s or guardian’s permission. -Not accessing information and/or sites harmful to minors. 7. Patrons must sign an Acceptable Use Responsibility Contract form prior to using the Library’s computer to access the Internet. Students younger than eight (8) years of age must have an adult present at the computer while using the Internet. All patrons under the age of 18 must have a parental or guardian consent form signed by a parent or guardian in person at the Library and on file. Form cannot be taken home for signature. 8. Users MAY NOT download information to the library's computers . Our filters do not allow downloads. 9. Users may not turn equipment on or off or change settings on the computer. With permission, certain personal equipment may be plugged into computer. No programs may be loaded on the computer. 10. There is a fee for all printed materials you print from the computer. Black and white copies are .25 cents each, and color copies are .50 cents each. 11. The library currently has no wireless printing capabilities. 12. Scans of material may be completed by library staff at a fee of .50 cents per page. 13. Faxing materials may be completed by library staff at a fee of $2.00 first page, $1.00 each additional page. Failure to comply will result in loss of your library privileges. Updated 7/14/15 |
Monday: 10-7 Tuesday: 10-7 Wednesday: 10-2 Thursday: 10-7 Friday: 10-4 Saturday: 10-3 Sunday: Closed |